How To Determine Your Due Date

Sometimes figuring out your due date can be confusing. There are several variables that can affect your dates, and everyone’s body is different and won’t necessarily follow a “normal” cycle. Here we will go over the best way to determine your due date and what it is based on. Last Menstrual Period (LMP) The first […]
What Can A Detailed Anomaly Scan Detect?

Congratulations, you’re almost halfway through your pregnancy! By now, your doctor may have recommended a Detailed Anomaly Scan. While the name may seem daunting, this is probably the most important scan during pregnancy and is an entirely routine part of the process. What is a Detailed Anomaly Scan? A Detailed Anomaly Scan is a […]
Abnormal Uterus Shapes: What You Need to Know

Did you know that the uterus can come in lots of different shapes and sizes? If an ultrasound reveals that your uterus is what we call an “abnormal shape”, it’s totally natural to feel a bit panicked. This certainly isn’t helped by the fact that even one innocent internet search for more details can produce […]
Planning Your Gender Reveal Scan

One of our most popular scans is the Gender Determination Scan, a full fetal wellbeing check that also determines the sex of the baby. This is a very exciting moment for first time parents—or those who may have eager siblings waiting at home for a gender reveal—so it’s incredibly important to accurately plan the date […]