Pregnancy  Articles

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Why Does My Due Date Keep Changing?

Pregnancy dates can be confusing. When you find out you’re pregnant, the first question you’ll be asked is the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP.) If you get your period regularly every month, we assume ovulation/conception happens 2 weeks after your period started. If you have irregular periods,

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Gestational Diabetes FAQ

What is Gestational Diabetes? Your first pregnancy can be an exciting—but also a slightly daunting—time. You’ve likely done your fair share of googling and research to get an idea of what health conditions to watch out for. Something that may have come up a lot is gestational diabetes; a condition

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What Is “Pregnancy Brain”?

When listening to friends and family discussing their pregnancies, you may have heard them jokingly refer to their “pregnancy brain” when they locked their keys into the car or completely blanked on a sibling’s name. Maybe you’ve noticed yourself becoming strangely forgetful, distracted or generally foggy-brained during your pregnancy. If

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Is It Safe to Fly During Pregnancy? And Other Frequently Asked Questions
Are you a first-time parent with a lot of questions about what is safe during pregnancy? Have you been wondering if it’s ok to travel by plane or continue your beauty treatments? We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers about safe activities during pregnancy. Don’t hesitate

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Announcing Your Pregnancy and Some Fun Ideas!

It’s happening! You’ve had a positive pregnancy test, you’ve been to your first scan and all is well. It’s exciting and a little overwhelming; you’re torn between wanting to shout it to the world or to keep this special news to yourself and your partner. So where do you even

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The Different Types of Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are very common and do not usually cause any symptoms. Cedars-Sinai estimates that 10% of women experience ovarian cysts, with many not even realising they have one, as most ovarian cysts occur naturally and go away in a few months without needing any treatment. What is an ovarian

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What Is The Placenta And How Does It Work?

During a pregnancy ultrasound scan, the sonographer will always check the condition of your placenta alongside your baby. This is because the placenta is a crucial organ during pregnancy. The placenta itself, its formation and its functions are really incredible—it’s amazing what your body can do to create a healthy

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Unusual Irish Baby Names That Are Making a Comeback

Congratulations, you’re pregnant! You’ve got your scans booked, birth plan arranged and baby clothes ready to go. Now comes the tricky final decision: what are you going to name your baby? Some people will have had a list of names ready since childhood for both boys and girls. Some will

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Caffeine During Pregnancy

How Food and Drink Are Processed During Pregnancy During pregnancy, it’s important to ensure that you are maintaining the correct level of nutrients to support your growing baby. It is also a time to be more conscious of what stimulants you are consuming on a daily basis. If you love

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It’s Twins! An Overview of Twin Pregnancy and Common Terminology

One of the first things we check when you come in for your pregnancy scan is how many babies there are. Don’t worry too much, most of the time there’s just one. Occasionally, there might be a second (or third!) But we’ll go through everything you need to know about

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