General Pregnancy  Articles

Gestational Diabetes FAQ

What is Gestational Diabetes? Your first pregnancy can be an exciting—but also a slightly daunting—time. You’ve likely done your fair share of googling and research to get an idea of what health conditions to watch out for. Something that may have come up a lot is gestational diabetes; a condition

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Unusual Irish Baby Names That Are Making a Comeback

Congratulations, you’re pregnant! You’ve got your scans booked, birth plan arranged and baby clothes ready to go. Now comes the tricky final decision: what are you going to name your baby? Some people will have had a list of names ready since childhood for both boys and girls. Some will

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Caffeine During Pregnancy

How Food and Drink Are Processed During Pregnancy During pregnancy, it’s important to ensure that you are maintaining the correct level of nutrients to support your growing baby. It is also a time to be more conscious of what stimulants you are consuming on a daily basis. If you love

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It’s Twins! An Overview of Twin Pregnancy and Common Terminology

One of the first things we check when you come in for your pregnancy scan is how many babies there are. Don’t worry too much, most of the time there’s just one. Occasionally, there might be a second (or third!) But we’ll go through everything you need to know about

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Quirky Genetic Traits Your Baby Could Inherit

One of the most common phrases you’ll hear when your baby arrives is the inevitable: “Oh my gosh! They’re the image of —” followed by a debate as to which side of the family or which parent they most resemble. Or how many times have you been told by an

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What Causes Pregnancy Food Cravings?

Food cravings are a common part of going through pregnancy. We’ve all seen the trope played-out in movies of a pregnant character craving ice-cream at 3am or heard of a friend or relative that suddenly craved pieces of coal in their second trimester. But not every woman will experience these

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Smoking and Pregnancy

We know that smoking is bad for you – bad for your lungs, your heart, your blood vessels…but what about during pregnancy? Smoking negatively affects your baby too. Smoking or vaping constricts your blood vessels, making them smaller and harder for blood to flow through them. That blood is what

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Can My Partner Attend My Pregnancy Scan?

During this very strange and uncertain year, one of the most common questions we have understandably received from our patients is whether or not their partner can attend. Thankfully, the answer is yes. Unlike a hospital setting where there may be a high footfall of people coming and going, our

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Fibroids in Pregnancy: Overview

Fibroids, also known as Uterine Myomas or Leiomyomas, are non-cancerous growths that grow in or around the uterus. Fibroids can be as large as a football or as small as a pea. For this reason, it is possible for fibroids to impact fertility as well as the pregnancy period in

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How Can Pregnant Women Protect Themselves From COVID-19?

Unfortunately COVID-19 is now a very serious global pandemic that is having some form of impact on everyone’s lives. Whilst the disease itself is still relatively new in terms of the scientific evidence behind it, it has shown no real treats to pregnant women but they should still air on

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