General Pregnancy  Articles

Pregnancy Nutrition

During your pregnancy it is important to look after yourself and take care of your body, as you are not only supporting yourself but another little person growing inside you. Having a balanced diet and a healthy exercise routine is the perfect way to ensure your pregnancy progresses as smoothly

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Exercise During Pregnancy

Whilst it’s important to stay healthy and fit throughout your life, it becomes even more important during your pregnancy to help your body adapt to the changes it will undergo. Your body will change in terms of shape and size throughout the 9 months of your pregnancy. Staying fit throughout

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C-sections may be causing evolutionary changes

According to researchers, the rise of cesarean sections in recent years may be contributing to an even bigger gap between the size of newborns and their mothers’ pelvises. The researchers estimate that the regular use of C-sections has led to a 10 – 20 percent increase in the gap between

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