Pregnancy  Articles

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Pregnancy and Exercise. Should you do it?

Exercise is vital to help regulate the body and maintain health. In addition to keeping your body in shape, exercise ensures that your heart functions optimally, your foods are properly digested, and your respiratory system stays at its best. This will only become more important throughout, and immediately after, pregnancy

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Detailed Anomaly Scan

What Is A Detailed Anomaly Scan? A Detailed Anomaly Scan is a detailed examination of your baby to make sure everything is developing as it should be, while also checking for birth defects like spina bifida and heart problems. The scan can also detect subtle markers that may suggest

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Early Pregnancy Scan: What To Expect

Congratulations, you’re pregnant! It’s now time for you to start planning your first ultrasound scan. While it’s completely understandable that you want to book in and see your baby as soon as possible, there are a few things to keep in mind when looking at your dates. When it comes

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Can My Partner Attend My Pregnancy Scan?

During this very strange and uncertain year, one of the most common questions we have understandably received from our patients is whether or not their partner can attend. Thankfully, the answer is yes. Unlike a hospital setting where there may be a high footfall of people coming and going, our

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Maternity Care: Public, Semi-Private and Private Options

Most women in Ireland get their maternity care for free through the HSE. While this is a great option, there are several other options available to choose from. The type of care available will depend upon how the pregnancy progresses, where the woman gives birth, and how much she would

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The Different types of Early Pregnancy Scans

With the latest advances in technology there’s no such thing as just one set scan anymore. There are now a plethora of scans available to pregnant women that can be done at the different stages of their pregnancy. With so many different options it can often be hard to determine

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Fibroids in Pregnancy: Overview

Fibroids, also known as Uterine Myomas or Leiomyomas, are non-cancerous growths that grow in or around the uterus. Fibroids can be as large as a football or as small as a pea. For this reason, it is possible for fibroids to impact fertility as well as the pregnancy period in

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How Can Pregnant Women Protect Themselves From COVID-19?

Unfortunately COVID-19 is now a very serious global pandemic that is having some form of impact on everyone’s lives. Whilst the disease itself is still relatively new in terms of the scientific evidence behind it, it has shown no real treats to pregnant women but they should still air on

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Why Do I Need A Full Bladder For My Ultrasound Scan?

If you’ve ever gone for an ultrasound scan you’ve probably been told by the sonographer or nurse that you need to have a full bladder in order to carry out the scan. One of the most common questions we get asked is “why do I need a full bladder for

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All You Need to Know About Morning Sickness

Do you know 50% of women face morning sickness in their first trimester or initial 12-14 weeks of pregnancy? So, you are not alone if you are also feeling this way in the early days of your pregnancy.  Morning sickness, commonly known as ‘nausea’ or in severe cases ‘hyperemesis gravidarum’,

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